Meeting August 13, 2021
(10.5) Attendees: Paul, TJ, Pat, Rich, Tom, Caitlyn, Gil, Rod, Bill, Mike and Ted via zoom. FRIDAY, Aug 13th, 2021 the topic was image extrusions in Cura and how it can be loaded on a Chromebook. A Big Thanks to Mike…
(10.5) Attendees: Paul, TJ, Pat, Rich, Tom, Caitlyn, Gil, Rod, Bill, Mike and Ted via zoom. FRIDAY, Aug 13th, 2021 the topic was image extrusions in Cura and how it can be loaded on a Chromebook. A Big Thanks to Mike…
(11.5) Attendees: Paul, TJ, Pat, Steve ,Rich, Tom, Ted, Harry, Rod, Bill, Mike and Dale in Virginia via zoom. FRIDAY, July 9th, 2021 the topic was IdeaMaker the slicer. Also, a demo of Artillery® Genius 3D Printer Of course the, Hey…
(11) Attendees: Paul, Rod, Tom, Bill, Harry, Ted, Mike, Pat, Steve, Robert, Rich. FRIDAY, June 4th, 2021 the topic was NozzleCAM Instead of ripping apart an USB endoscope we tried a simpler approach. A WIFI camera on a magnet mounted bracket….
Attendees: Ted, Paul, Rod, Tom, Bill, Harry. FRIDAY, April 23, 2021 the topic was Arc Welder (post processor for converting small g01 moves to g02 or g03) Also the announcement of a page that shows under the Members Menu (FILE SHARE) for…
Attendees: Ted, Mike R, Rod, Tom, Bill. The Club took a look at retraction settings and did a small workshop on manipulating parameters and seeing the results. Everyone did a nice job in bringing samples of retraction towers. Bill led…
The Club took a look at a Powder Printing machine and discussed the process and looked at a few samples. See the workflow document for a video on the process. Some discussion about Onshape. Tom posted his class notes workflows…
Filament types and uses and precautions was the special topic for this meeting. See the workflow document. Also some discussion on spool holders. Attendees: Ted, Mike R, Rod, Robert, Tom, Bill.
Direct Drive and other control board embellishments. Thanks to Mike for bringing his Ender and showing us the neat stuff it has. Attendees: Ted Mike Rod Robert Tom Pat Bill.
Clinic on bed prep and leveling using the STEM Enders. See workflows. Some discussion about 3D design classes in October. Next meeting topic will be direct drive and other Ender options. Attendees: Ted Mike Paul Glen Rod Robert Tom Pat…
The group expressed interest in 3D scanning. A Scanning Workflow document was developed and Mike volunteered as a scanning object. See the stl below. A combination of ReconstructMe, Meshmixer, and Cura went from scan to 3D print.