Cumberland Business Incubator receives $50,000 prize to create Tinker Space
The Cumberland Business Incubator, located on Roane State Community College’s Cumberland County campus, has received a $50,000 prize to create a space where entrepreneurs can turn their ideas into working prototypes.
The incubator was one of 50 organizations nationwide to receive a prize through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Growth Accelerator Fund competition.
The Growth Accelerator Fund competition, in its first year, attracted 800 applications from across the country, and finalists were reviewed by a panel of experts in entrepreneurship, investing and business plans.
The prize will be used to add a tinker space inside the incubator. A tinker space provides the equipment and tools entrepreneurs need to develop prototype products. See the video below to explain more about a tinker space.
The video called the space a Makerspace which is another name for a tinker space. Tinker spaces are not limited to what you see in the video. The possibilities are endless with what machines/tools could make up a tinker space. The goal is to provide access to tools and equipment that would allow someone to express his/her creativity and innovation. This could lead to more jobs and businesses, all things the CBI supports.
Call 931-456-4910 for more information and stay connected to get updates on the future tinker space at the Cumberland Business Incubator!