Success in entrepreneurship is not an end destination. It’s to be the best version of yourself every day as you work with and communicate with those around you and provide services and products to your customers. We are a constant work in progress that requires some daily effort. The “laptop in the coffee shop” version of entrepreneurship may only exist for a very few. Continue reading
Tag Archives: business community
Mark Your Calendars!
Roane State Community College’s Cumberland Business Incubator (CBI) will be hosting an Open House on April 13th from 1:00-3:00pm Central Time. The community is invited to the Open House to network, meet CBI entrepreneurs and business representatives, mentors and volunteers, tour the Maker Space and see samples of the projects completed in the Maker Space. Continue reading
Direct Selling Update
The following is a summary of an article that appeared in the March 2016 issue of Direct Selling News:
What is the promise of the opportunity offered by any direct selling company? Direct Selling News (DSN) Ambassador John Fleming: “Direct selling companies offer an opportunity to people from all walks of life, regardless of background, education or skill level, the chance to own and operate their own business backed by material support from a larger brand and supported by a pathway of training.” Continue reading
Retirement Options
As the April 15 personal tax deadline looms, you’re likely overwhelmed with short-term concerns about your business budget and your personal finances. You should also be considering two crucial longer-term questions: What are you saving for retirement, and where are you saving it? Continue reading
Marketing Consistency
Many of the CBI clients ask for help with their marketing message. Some of the things we cover during business coaching sessions are summarized below:
A successful marketing plan is built on consistent messages. When you’re building your business it’s tempting to want to try to be all things to all people. Your marketing messages can end up being all over the map. The result: It confuses your customers, and can get confusing for you as well. Continue reading
If It Were You…
We’ve all seen it. A new leader comes into an organization and starts making changes. Very few leaders are brought in to keep things running the way they have been. They’re brought in because something must change. Continue reading
A Cash Mob?
What are Cash Mobs?
Cash Mobs are flash mobs, but instead of singing and dancing, people spend money as a group! They target the small, local businesses that make each community special in order to give the business owners an economic stimulus. They help businesses grow, they make people happy, buyers find something to buy, people have a great time and get together to celebrate afterward! Continue reading
CBI Crash Course MBA Accelerator Participants
Congratulations to the Roane State Community College Cumberland Business Incubator Crash Course MBA Accelerator participants that will be working on their business skills and business growth over the next few months. Mark your calendars for Pitch Night – May 3rd when all are welcome to hear the business presentations and the outcome of the accelerator process. The Accelerator participants include: Continue reading
Change Your Life…
Change your life… by the books you read. The list below is from Stephen Heiner, “an American in Paris” who sold his business in Kansas City to move to Paris and start several more. I have read many of the books that Stephen lists, and although I may not have considered it before, I do believe that many of them have had an influence on my life. I thought you might enjoy reading what Stephen and I have read. From Stephen: What follows is a brief list for those interested in the life of travel and entrepreneurship you can create for yourself through deliberate and personal lifestyle design. Continue reading
Who’s Who at the CBI
The Cumberland Business Incubator reached a major milestone in December of 2015. Every single area was utilized within the 10,000 square foot incubator.
A quick introduction to our newest tenants and a review of those that have been with us a while seems appropriate. Continue reading