
You get what you focus on. In business, it means focusing on profit.

A business without profit will die.   Being passionate about your work may keep you in the game longer, but without profit you are still losing money. You have to keep business expenses in control. There isn’t a shortcut that allows you to succeed if don’t have a clear path to profitability for your company.    Every business may go through short cycles when expenses exceed income, but allowing it to happen repeatedly without making adjustments is the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over without making changes, expecting a different result. Continue reading

A Blast from the Past


Not all business ideas are new!

Do you remember the era where you could sign up for a membership and every month a vinyl record was delivered right to your door? It’s that time again! Vinyl Me, Please is a record of the month club that believes in the power of the album as an art form. Each month they press an LP album exclusively for their members. It arrives with an album-inspired art print and pairing recipe. They claim to be a great way to build your vinyl collection. They highlight new artists, essential releases from artists you may never have heard of before, as well as a healthy dose of must-have reissues from decades past. If you have missed your vinyl collection and need to start one again, or need new material to add to your collection, this back-again business may be for you. Continue reading

The Business Valuation Scale


If you are a typical business owner, whether you plan for it to happen in the next year or 20 years from now, at some point you are going to either sell, transition, or simply shut down your business.  If you plan to sell or transition your business one day, you should understand how the Business Valuation Scale works. Continue reading

Center for Lifelong Learning


Welcome to the Center for Lifelong Learning on the Roane State Community College campus! I continue to be impressed when I speak to people and learn what they have done in their lives. Since many amazing people in our area have a wealth of knowledge and are willing to share what they know, we have formed the Center for Lifelong Learning. This is a volunteer based organization. Those with the knowledge will share what they know with the rest of us. Most programs will be appropriate for anyone interested in learning from age 9 to 99. Continue reading



There are really only four ways to “do” something: completion, deletion, delegation, and deferment.

Completion– doing the task – is the option most people think about. If you keep a to-do list, you’re probably assuming that those tasks are all your responsibility to get done. That’s not quite true – completion is best for important tasks that only you can do particularly well. Everything else can be handled in another manner. Continue reading

Entrepreneurs Among Our Founding Fathers


We all think about Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin being true entrepreneurs before the word was even in use. But what about the other Founding Fathers?

In an 1829 book, Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence by Rev. Charles A. Goodrich we learn more. As it turns out, most of those who signed the Declaration of Independence were entrepreneurs. Continue reading

A Test: Take a Vacation!


On a bicycle wheel the hub and spokes are critical components, though one is clearly more significant than the other. If one spoke breaks, the bike will still function, but if the hub fails, it’s all over. The ability for the wheel to spin is dependent on the hub. Continue reading

Helping Veteran Dreams Come True


Memorial Day, a time to honor all vets. Did you know that Cumberland County has one of the highest concentration of veterans in the 95 counties of Tennessee? Continue reading

Altered Ego Design – A Maker Space Business

We are excited to have Christien Fontaine of Altered Ego Design creating his custom laser cut arts and automotive accessories at the CBI Maker Space. Christien owns the same Full Spectrum laser that we have in the Maker Space and has been making some of his creations and volunteering to help others learn what the laser can do. Continue reading

Your Invitation to Pitch Night


The Cumberland Business Incubator invites the community to attend the Crash Course MBA Accelerator Pitch Night, May 3rd at 6pm, Roane State Community College, 2569 Cook Road, Crossville. Presenting will be the participants completing the 15 week long Crash Course MBA program. Pitch Night is the final night of the program where the accelerator participants will share their ideas with the community, answer questions and accept feedback.

Participants in Pitch Night will include: Continue reading