Grow with Google Webinar: Launch Your Business with Customer-Focused Marketing

September 19, 2022 @ 12:00 pm 1:00 pm CDT

As a new entrepreneur, you’ll need more than good products or services to grow your business. It’s also important to have strong customer-focused marketing strategies to reach your audience and turn them into loyal customers.

In this 60-minute webinar, you will learn to: • Create a compelling brand • Define your audience • Convert customers • Build loyalty and advocacy

Online presentation by Grow with Google speaker Dave Delaney.

If you have any questions contact Amy: 931-456-4910 or


Fall Maker Pop-Up Event

October 8, 2022 @ 9:00 am 3:00 pm CDT

Join us for our Fall Maker Pop-Up Event! If you are a Maker register below & fill out the application to be a vendor at the event. If you are not a Maker, come out to support the ones who are, so they can keep doing what they love! Just a few of the items at our spring event that we expect again: jewelry, keychains, coasters, body scrubs, wax melts, leather goods, 3D prints, ornaments, laser engraved items, greeting cards, and more! This will be a great time to get started on Christmas gifts!

Maker: a person that makes things. Builder, inventor, manufacturer, producer, author, composer, constructor, originator, crafter.

Additional Vendor information: we do NOT limit the number of vendors with similar items; there may be someone else selling something similar to your products. Please treat everyone the way you wish to be treated.

$30 Vendor fee for roughly 10×10 outdoor space
2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

Arduino Workshop August 2022

August 27, 2022 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm CDT

Hands-on Arduino proto-board and coding practice. Coding of the Sumo-Bots.

Arduino Battery Tester

Created: 20/01/2016
By Gus
Modified N/A
By Gus
int greenLed = 11;
int yellowLed = 12;
int redLed = 13;

int analogValue = 0;
float voltage = 0;
int ledDelay = 1000;
void setup()
pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial for output to local monitor
Serial.println(“BATTERY CHECKER”);

void loop()
analogValue = analogRead(A0);
voltage = 0.0048*analogValue;

if( voltage >= 3.0 )
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
else if (voltage > 1.6 && voltage < 3.0)
digitalWrite(yellowLed, HIGH);
else if( voltage <= 1.6)
digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);

digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(yellowLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
// Send out value to Serial port

2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

3D Printing Safety and Basic Use Training 20220824

August 24, 2022 @ 9:00 am 12:00 pm CDT

In this Safety and Basic Use class, learn to use a 3D printer. Become familiar with the CAD design software to create and print your own creation!


Project: 3D printed name tag

Prerequisites: None

Equipment access: 3D printer

Safety: Closed-toe shoes are required

Once you successfully pass this class, you can use this equipment for your projects whenever you work at CBI Maker Space as a member!

2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

Quilting & Sewing Camp with Jane Tavernier

September 21, 2022 @ 10:00 am 3:00 pm CDT

Designed for the beginner, ages 8-80! Learn how to assemble fabrics to create a one-of-a-kind quilt. A sewing machine in good working order is required. If you do not have a sewing machine, contact Jane for a possible loaner. Come for the morning, afternoon, or both – call Jane for more info.

$40 Class fee; additional $25 for fabric kit fee if needed

Registration: Jane Tavernier 931-335-0621

held in the classroom at the Cumberland business incubator
2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

Quilting & Sewing Camp with Jane Tavernier

October 12, 2022 @ 10:00 am 3:00 pm CDT

4 day class from Oct 10-13 designed for the beginner, ages 8-80! Learn how to assemble fabrics to create a one-of-a-kind quilt. A sewing machine in good working order is required. If you do not have a sewing machine, contact Jane for a possible loaner. Come for the morning, afternoon, or both – call Jane for more info.

$40 Class fee; additional $25 for fabric kit fee if needed

Registration: Jane Tavernier 931-335-0621

held in the classroom at the Cumberland business incubator
2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

Quilting & Sewing Camp with Jane Tavernier

September 20, 2022 @ 10:00 am 3:00 pm CDT

Designed for the beginner, ages 8-80! Learn how to assemble fabrics to create a one-of-a-kind quilt. A sewing machine in good working order is required. If you do not have a sewing machine, contact Jane for a possible loaner. Come for the morning, afternoon, or both – call Jane for more info.

$40 Class fee; additional $25 for fabric kit fee if needed

Registration: Jane Tavernier 931-335-0621

held in the classroom at the Cumberland business incubator
2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

Quilting & Sewing Camp with Jane Tavernier

October 13, 2022 @ 10:00 am 3:00 pm CDT

4 day class from Oct 10-13 designed for the beginner, ages 8-80! Learn how to assemble fabrics to create a one-of-a-kind quilt. A sewing machine in good working order is required. If you do not have a sewing machine, contact Jane for a possible loaner. Come for the morning, afternoon, or both – call Jane for more info.

$40 Class fee; additional $25 for fabric kit fee if needed

Registration: Jane Tavernier 931-335-0621

held in the classroom at the Cumberland business incubator
2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

Quilting & Sewing Camp with Jane Tavernier

September 19, 2022 @ 10:00 am 3:00 pm CDT

Designed for the beginner, ages 8-80! Learn how to assemble fabrics to create a one-of-a-kind quilt. A sewing machine in good working order is required. If you do not have a sewing machine, contact Jane for a possible loaner. Come for the morning, afternoon, or both – call Jane for more info.

$40 Class fee; additional $25 for fabric kit fee if needed

Registration: Jane Tavernier 931-335-0621

held in the classroom at the Cumberland business incubator
2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

Quilting & Sewing Camp with Jane Tavernier

October 10, 2022 @ 10:00 am 3:00 pm CDT

4 day class from Oct 10-13 designed for the beginner, ages 8-80! Learn how to assemble fabrics to create a one-of-a-kind quilt. A sewing machine in good working order is required. If you do not have a sewing machine, contact Jane for a possible loaner. Come for the morning, afternoon, or both – call Jane for more info.

$40 Class fee; additional $25 for fabric kit fee if needed

Registration: Jane Tavernier 931-335-0621

held in the classroom at the Cumberland business incubator
2569 Cook Road
Crossville, TN 38571 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website