The Next Time You Use Your Computer…


The next time you use your computer to read an email or download a movie on Netflix, or use an app on your phone, think of the technology behind it and the geeks who developed it.

Being called a Geek today is a compliment, a high compliment, not like when I was in school. Tech companies are in heavy competition to develop the newest most advanced products. As the world becomes more and more dependent on technology, those that understand and develop it are in high demand. Continue reading

Pitching Your Business


Charlie Brock wrote an article for the Tennessean recently about pitching your startup business to investors. There is good information in his article for anyone who has the opportunity to pitch their business, whether to investors or others. My summary of Charlie’s article follows. Continue reading

I’ll Charge Less


When I meet with clients about their business I ask what their business strategy will be. Some say “I’ll charge less than my competition.” Wrong answer!

Let me ask you a question. What do these companies have in common?

Rolex, Mercedes, Gucci, Starbucks Continue reading