Lots of small business owners start out thinking they will do everything they possibly can in their business to keep costs low, including doing their own accounting. Some have learned the hard way that small errors can add up to a big mess. Continue reading
Tag Archives: harriman
Running Your Business One Week At a Time
No, I’m not suggesting you ignore a quarterly marketing plan, annual financials or your annual business plan, but realize that it’s important to run your business one week at a time as well. Here are a few keys to success that need to be done weekly: Continue reading
It’s a New Day for Hardware Development with 3D Printing
Hardware development has had issues in the past. The costs were high for tooling, revisions, testing, labor and materials. It wasn’t always easy to find someone to produce a small number of pilot parts, and once you found someone, they might not have been able to produce production quantities to quality specifications, so there was a new search for production manufacturing facilities. Continue reading
Your Exit Strategy – Are You Working On One?
I’ve had a number of conversations with clients recently about exit strategies. Knowing what you want out of your business every day is always good, and knowing what you want out of it at the very end is something to spend time and thought on. Continue reading
Mastermind Groups
Consider joining a Mastermind group – a group of people that you meet with on a regular basis to help you achieve your goals. Napoleon Hill discovered while doing research on the great leaders of his time that they attributed their success to having a Mastermind group to help them reach their goals. If you are ready to brainstorm ideas, share best practices, be held accountable to implement change, aren’t afraid to work ON your business, and aren’t afraid of growth…….consider joining a CBI Mastermind group.
A Mastermind group is not a leads group. It is not a training class. It is where you commit to working ON your business. If you have the following attributes you are welcome to apply; self-starter, learner, leader, positive outlook, and have a commitment to growing your business.
Learn more about Mastermind Groups.
What People Want/What People Need
When you are in business, it’s helpful to have an understanding of what people want. Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs in 1943. In Maslow’s theory there are five general levels of need, each of which must be met before a person can focus on the next higher-order need. The five levels in Maslow’s theory are: Physiological (breathing, food, water, sleep); Safety (security of body, property); Love/Belonging (friendship, family); Esteem (confidence, self-esteem, respect of and from others); Self-actualization (morality, creativity, problem solving, lack of prejudice). In short, if you don’t have enough food, or you’re in physical danger, you’re not focused on whether or not other people like you or how much personal growth you’re experiencing. Continue reading
Back of the Napkin Business Research
When you are considering any potential market, rate each of the ten factors that follow on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is extremely low and 10 is extremely high. Be conservative in your estimates: Continue reading |