Bulls-Eye Employee Engagement


One of the ‘secrets’ to a successful small business is having employees who are engaged, aligned with what you’re doing and enjoy working with you and your team. We’ve all experienced interactions with businesses where the employees are clearly just showing up for the paycheck and don’t care at all about what they’re doing. That’s a business on life support. It’s equally easy to see when employees genuinely like and believe in what they’re doing…and that makes all the difference to a customer and ultimately the business. Continue reading

Cumberland County-Global Entrepreneurship Week


It’s Global Entrepreneurship Week around the world. In Cumberland County in cooperation with Junior Achievement of East Tennessee, the local Youth Achievement Foundation and the Cumberland Business Incubator (CBI) of Roane State Community College, a lot is happening. Continue reading

8 Traits for the Most Successful Entrepreneurs


I read an article by Ryan Robinson and thought you would like to know what he has learned through his interviews and studies of the most successful entrepreneurs. What makes them successful? Why do they succeed when so many do not? Continue reading

7 Essential Stages for a Total Online Presence

online presence

The seven stages of building a total online presence according to Duct Tape Marketing are:

  1. Content Platform
  2. Organic SEO
  3. Email Marketing
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Online Advertising
  6. Mobile and Location
  7. Analytics and conversion

1.Content Platform – Much of what happens online revolves around content. It’s how you get found, why people pay attention and how you start to exchange value. Content platform starts with building a listening station with tools like Google Alerts, TweetDeck, Trackur, Social Mention, Sprout Social and Raian6. You’ll be listening to gain insight into your market, your competitors and important groups, including key journalists, working toward a better understanding of the most important keyword phrases that resonate with customers in your market. Continue reading

Work Force Development – You Can Change the Future


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

Are you looking for a better workforce?  Did you know you could influence the workforce of the future?

Consider getting involved in creating that pool of employees you will see in the future. Become a tnAchieves Mentor and help this year’s high school seniors be successful in their path to a community college degree or vocational certification. Continue reading

Quotes for Business from Fictional Characters



“Your title gives you claim to the throne of our country, but men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.”  – William Wallace, Braveheart

Why?  Leadership is much more than a title.  Many business owners are finding that out as they seek to develop their next generation of leadership for their companies.  True leadership is earned and it is much more than just knowledge of the business and a title.


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Announcing: 100 Days to Launch – Tourism


Applications will soon be accepted for the Cumberland Business Incubator’s (CBI) 2016 Accelerator, 100 Days to Launch – Tourism. The selection committee will review applications to find the top candidates with an existing business or those interested in launching a new business with a tourism focus. Continue reading

Business Taxes for the Self-Employed: The Basics


Posted by the Internal Revenue Service

FS-2015-22, August 2015

For anyone starting a small business, especially those who are self-employed, the Internal Revenue Service offers some basic information on filing, reporting and paying taxes.

Generally, one is self-employed if they:

  • Carry on a trade or business as a sole proprietor or independent contractor, or are otherwise in business as an individual, including a part-time business
  • Own an unincorporated business

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Planning to Sell Your Business?


This article appeared in Forbes Magazine 8/28/2015 – by Bob House

Selling a business can be a challenging process. However, like many challenges in life, business owners who take the time to properly prepare will fare much better than those that jump right in.

This is the real life lesson learned by one couple that successfully sold their North Carolina cafe after 18 years of devoted ownership. Their story is an example of how a little prep work can ease the selling process and perhaps more importantly, lead to a higher sales price. For every small business owner, whether planning to sell now or much farther down the road, these lessons apply. Continue reading

Do Something!

do something

Attracting a prospect’s attention does not help if they disappear: if you want to make a sale, you need to direct your prospects to take some kind of action.

Your prospects can’t read your mind. If you want your prospects to take the next step you’re encouraging, you need to tell them exactly what to do. The most effective marketing messages give the recipient or prospect a single, very clear, very short action to take next. Continue reading