Campers Everywhere!

MAKE Camp 2016 CollageThe Cumberland Business Incubator was full of young life last week. We hosted two different youth camps – Make Camp, our 3rd annual week long camp, and Maker Girl, a special 3D printing camp for 1st grade to 6th grade girls. Continue reading



There are really only four ways to “do” something: completion, deletion, delegation, and deferment.

Completion– doing the task – is the option most people think about. If you keep a to-do list, you’re probably assuming that those tasks are all your responsibility to get done. That’s not quite true – completion is best for important tasks that only you can do particularly well. Everything else can be handled in another manner. Continue reading

MakerGirl Comes to the CBI!

Calling all 1st – 6th Grade Girls

A group of students from University of Illinois are touring the country this summer with MakerGirl Mobile with a mission to encourage young girls to become leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields through 3D printing. Roane State Community College’s Cumberland Business Incubator will be hosting the group on July 15th. Registration is limited to 20 girls from 1st through 6th grade. Continue reading

Helping Veteran Dreams Come True


Memorial Day, a time to honor all vets. Did you know that Cumberland County has one of the highest concentration of veterans in the 95 counties of Tennessee? Continue reading

Maker Space Volunteer Highlight: Paul Falk



Paul Falk worked for nearly 40 years with GE. He worked with the fabrication, design and packaging of high reliability electronics primarily for bio-medical and spacecraft applications. Most notable projects that Paul worked on include participation on spacecraft teams that were first to land on an asteroid, the first to orbit Mercury and a flyby of Pluto. If you saw the photos sent back to earth from Pluto, Paul played a part in developing the equipment! Continue reading

6 Secret Questions Successful Entrepreneurs Ask Themselves


Want to become a successful entrepreneur? My friend Joe Kapp suggests the following:

Change your mindset and start thinking like a successful entrepreneur by asking these six secret questions they ask themselves!

Based in part on research by Dr Saras Sarasvathy, a professor at the University of Virginia, the following common themes emerged after interviewing successful serial entrepreneurs of companies worth $200 million to $6.5 billion. This set of questions, adapted from her research, outline how budding entrepreneurs can use entrepreneurial thinking to increase the likelihood their new endeavor has the best possible chance for success. Continue reading

Altered Ego Design – A Maker Space Business

We are excited to have Christien Fontaine of Altered Ego Design creating his custom laser cut arts and automotive accessories at the CBI Maker Space. Christien owns the same Full Spectrum laser that we have in the Maker Space and has been making some of his creations and volunteering to help others learn what the laser can do. Continue reading

Retirement Options


As the April 15 personal tax deadline looms, you’re likely overwhelmed with short-term concerns about your business budget and your personal finances. You should also be considering two crucial longer-term questions: What are you saving for retirement, and where are you saving it? Continue reading

A Cash Mob?


What are Cash Mobs?

Cash Mobs are flash mobs, but instead of singing and dancing, people spend money as a group!  They target the small, local businesses that make each community special in order to give the business owners an economic stimulus.  They help businesses grow, they make people happy, buyers find something to buy, people have a great time and get together to celebrate afterward! Continue reading

Who’s Who at the CBI


The Cumberland Business Incubator reached a major milestone in December of 2015. Every single area was utilized within the 10,000 square foot incubator.

A quick introduction to our newest tenants and a review of those that have been with us a while seems appropriate. Continue reading